As Turner Sparks and Phil Duckett open the show by planning the details of Phil's first punk rock concert, exploring the failed economics of Red Lobster's unlimited shrimp and responding to listener hate mail. After that, the crew answers all your questions including "What topics should I study-up on to impress white guys on dates?", "What does dog-walked mean?", "Why do black people look better in colorful clothes?", "How do interracial couples decide what Santa's skin color will be?" and "Why do Brooklyn audiences snap instead of clap when they like a joke?".Plus, Phil breaks down the difference between a Red Lobster date and a seafood boil date.Enjoy the show? Go to to get all the behind-the-scenes bonus content, extra-long episodes and help us reach our goal of $250/ month. Once we hit that Turner will take Phil to into his first mosh-pit at an NYC punk rock concert and the guys will release video of the whole thing straight to Patreon. Beyond that, when you join you get the following perks:Episodes each week before everyone elseAn extra-long version of the show every week with bonus questions at the end of each episode and behind the scenes stories of the guys' lives as NYC comediansFront-of-the-line to have your questions read on the airFor $20/ month, YOU get to name the Patreon subscriber fan clubHave a question? Email us atÂ
[email protected] and prepare to be educated.Watch us on YouTube at us on TikTok, Instagram and Facebook @BlackAndWhiteAdviceComedians Turner Sparks & Phil Duckett bring together the races with their brand new show Black and White Advice. Every week the guys will answer all your questions on race, even the scary ones.Stay Black.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: