Freedom is Scary No. 3 - BJJ Training and Police Use of Force
Excessive force issues may never be the same after the George Floyd death. Many states have enacted legislation now prohibited so-called "chokeholds," and Trump's Executive Order directed states to do so. In this livecast I'll discuss this, as well as the application of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training with my buddy, Adam Martin, who is not only former law enforcement, but a BJJ coach, practitioner, and competitor.
Why? Because ever since the death of George Floyd, “chokehold” has been the word of the day. Trump brought them up in his June 16, 2020 Executive Order, and now many states have issued orders, or enacted legislation, banning the use of so-called “chokeholds” by police officers.
The problem is, that the term doesn’t mean what they think it means, and in doing so, they’re changing the rules of self defense for police officers. As with other civil rights, if you allow it to be done to one group of people, it always grows like a virus to include groups of people who were not intended to be affected. In this video we discuss what that means.
On June 16, 2020, President Donald Trump (R) issued an executive order, titled Executive Order on Safe Policing for Safe Communities, addressing changes to policing on June 16, 2020.The order directed the U.S. Department of Justice to create an independent credentialing body that would develop a set of criteria for state and local law enforcement agencies to meet in order to be awarded federal grants. The order stated that the criteria should address excessive use of force, include de-escalation training, and ban the use of chokeholds, except when the use of deadly force is lawful.
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