A light-hearted series hosted by NFL Superstar Cam Newton, facilitating a dialogue ranging from lifestyle talk, relationships and workplace habits, to the lates...
The Moment Pharrell changed my career, Mariah Carey’s underrated Genius & Writing hits for the stars
In this episode of Funky Friday, we dive into the pivotal moment Pharrell redefined Muni Longs's career with his unique vision and creativity. We also explore Mariah Carey's underrated genius as a songwriter and how she’s influenced the industry. Plus, get a behind-the-scenes look at what it’s like crafting hits for some of the biggest stars in music!
00:00:00 - Coming up on Funky Friday
00:03:29 - Intro to Muni Long
00:04:34 - Muni Longs original music name
00:08:00 - People Muni Long has worked with
00:10:30 - Muni Long's family dynamic
00:11:52 - What it takes to be YOU
00:21:51 - Who knows Muni Long the best?
00:27:04 - Muni Long is a GAMER
00:30:55 - How long have you been writing music?
00:38:19 - What's the turnaround time on songs?
00:40:40 - Who had the biggest impact on you?
00:53:19 - Muni Long plays instruments?
01:03:55 - Songwriter vs. Artist
01:06:17 - Sifting through the BS with Men & Women
01:22:35 - Can you separate Art from the Artist
01:24:49 - Muni Long on Streaming Platforms
01:30:29 - Muni Long on the media attention
01:33:31 - How do you come up with Song Titles?
01:35:23 - Why was GloRilla the only feature?
01:36:13 - Muni long on vulnerability
01:40:31 - 1ÕV£
Follow Muni Long
📸Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/munilong
📲Follow Cam Newton on Social Media!
📹Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cameron1newton
📸Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cameron1newton
🐦Twitter: https://twitter.com/CameronNewton/
👤Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CamJNewton2/
🎩Shop all my hand made hats:
Want more Funky Friday??
Charleston White - https://youtu.be/mD9-ckm4xEU
Jason Lee - https://youtu.be/BPgiImykMu4
Shannon Sharpe - https://youtu.be/DbzjgJXyaKk
Host / Executive Producer:
Cam Newton
Executive Producer:
Kristin J. Meyers
Producer / Camera Op:
Omari Collins
Talent Producer:
Lanece Webb
Casting Director:
Mara Davis
Camera Operator:
VJ Revils
Brelan Butler
Alexander Newland
Sound Mixer:
Troy Hermes
Alexander Newland
Brendan Cole
Thumbnail & Channel Manager:
Kent Heckel
Stills Photographer:
Omari Collins
Set Designer:
John Allen
Production:🎬 Iconic Saga
Is it Cheating or an Arrangement? Dr.Sarah and Cam Newton FACE OFF. It’s HARD being High Value...
ITS GETTING HEATED! Dr. Sarah and Cam Newton debate the fine line between cheating and mutual arrangements in relationships. They tackle the complexities of being high-value individuals and how it affects expectations in love and loyalty. Don’t miss this raw and thought-provoking conversation that challenges conventional norms!
00:00:00 - Coming up on Funky Friday
00:02:38 - Intro to Dr.Sarah
00:04:46 - How did Dr.Sarah become a Doctor
00:06:53 - Dr.Sarah being from rural Canada
00:09:43 - What is staying power
00:15:13 - Dr.Sarah got half engaged?
00:17:38 - Who helped show you the way in relationships
00:28:46 - A Man will wait for his opportunity
00:34:25 - Is it cheating or an arrangement?
00:51:45 - Will Cam get married?
00:59:23 - Why should someone listen to Dr.Sarah
01:07:23 - Women want to be married but not a wife
01:16:38 - Why haven't you found your man?
01:20:08 - you cant turn a hoe into a housewife
01:35:23 - What stage do you become exclusive?
01:41:58 - How Old would you date?
01:44:28 - All high value men fumble high value women with infidelity
01:52:52 - Does too much space cause breakups?
01:56:43 - What’s been your longest relationship? Why did you breakup?
02:00:23 - How to vet people to date as high value people
02:14:28 - Getting out of the F zone
02:25:33 - Women proposing to & pursuing a man
02:32:23 - its hard being a HIgh Value Man
02:34:33 - How many relationships could be saved if infidelity wasn't an issue
02:39:02 - GAME - Love and Submission
03:02:48 - Is love enough?
03:06:42 - Define Feminine Energy
03:10:28 - How should women be courted
03:19:58 - BBL’s
03:22:38 - Does oral first change the future?
03:25:53 - Things to do before being a wife
03:41:48 - The Truth has hurt Cams relationship
03:51:54 - Is living together MUST?
03:53:48 - Dr.Sarah doesn’t pay bill…?
04:02:30 - Why would a woman submit to a man?
04:15:38 - GAME - Submit or Forfeit
04:25:35 - 1ÕV£
Follow Dr.Sarah
📸Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mssarahfontenot
📲Follow Cam Newton on Social Media!
📹Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cameron1newton
📸Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cameron1newton
🐦Twitter: https://twitter.com/CameronNewton/
👤Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CamJNewton2/
🎩Shop all my hand made hats:
Want more Funky Friday??
Charleston White - https://youtu.be/mD9-ckm4xEU
Jason Lee - https://youtu.be/BPgiImykMu4
Shannon Sharpe - https://youtu.be/DbzjgJXyaKk
Host / Executive Producer:
Cam Newton
Executive Producer:
Kristin J. Meyers
Producer / Camera Op:
Omari Collins
Talent Producer:
Lanece Webb
Casting Director:
Mara Davis
Camera Operator:
VJ Revils
Brelan Butler
Alexander Newland
Sound Mixer:
Troy Hermes
Alexander Newland
Brendan Cole
Thumbnail & Channel Manager:
Kent Heckel
Stills Photographer:
Omari Collins
Set Designer:
John Allen
Production:🎬 Iconic Saga
Hollywood is Holding the happiness of the Culture HOSTAGE, NWA Memories & Nepotism | Funky Friday
Ice Cube shares his unfiltered thoughts on Hollywood, accusing the industry of holding back the culture’s happiness by gatekeeping opportunities. In this Funky Friday episode, he reflects on his NWA days, the power of storytelling, and how nepotism shapes the industry. Don’t miss this raw conversation as Cube breaks down the barriers keeping creatives from thriving.
00:00:00 - Coming up on Funky Friday
00:02:43 - Intro To Ice Cube
00:04:15 - How has Ice Cube still going since 1987
00:09:50 - Where does your Inspiration come from?
00:14:05 - What's it take to making a movie
00:21:35 - Is AI a threat to the Movie Industry?
00:24:39 - How about AI used in Music?
00:27:07 - Why has Ice Cube stayed in Entertainment
00:28:59 - Career & Family
00:44:41 - Ownership of BIG3
00:55:02 - Has being an Artist changed with Social Media
00:56:43 - Challenging Authority
00:58:05 - Fondest memories of NWA
01:02:61 - Are big Artists group destined to breakup?
01:04:38 - Is HipHop no longer revolutionary?
01:06:17 - Media misrepresenting Black people
01:09:01 - If Ice Cube created a TV Show
01:10:41 - How does Ice Cube stay focused
01:14:46 - What's your greatest contribution to HipHop
01:16:25 - GAME - On fire or Ice Cold
01:18:01 - What's your beef with Vegan burgers
01:19:26 - What's the biggest misconception about you?
01:20:57 - Why did you make a Christmas Movie?
01:22:45 - Katt Williams movie drama
01:26:39 - Ice Cube talks Friday Movie
01:33:26 - Ice Cube's new Solo Album
01:41:50 - 1øvē
Follow Ice Cube
📸Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/icecube
📲Follow Cam Newton on Social Media!
📹Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cameron1newton
📸Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cameron1newton
🐦Twitter: https://twitter.com/CameronNewton/
👤Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CamJNewton2/
🎩Shop all my hand made hats:
Want more Funky Friday??
Charleston White - https://youtu.be/mD9-ckm4xEU
Jason Lee - https://youtu.be/BPgiImykMu4
Shannon Sharpe - https://youtu.be/DbzjgJXyaKk
Host / Executive Producer:
Cam Newton
Executive Producer:
Kristin J. Meyers
Producer / Camera Op:
Omari Collins
Talent Producer:
Lanece Webb
Casting Director:
Mara Davis
Camera Operator:
VJ Revils
Brelan Butler
Alexander Newland
Sound Mixer:
Troy Hermes
Alexander Newland
Brendan Cole
Thumbnail & Channel Manager:
Kent Heckel
Stills Photographer:
Omari Collins
Set Designer:
John Allen
Production:🎬 Iconic Saga
“I said what I said” Trina on Women in Rap, Jumping into Marriage & The Culture's Delusion
Trina doesn't hold back as she shares her unfiltered thoughts on the state of women in rap, the rush into marriage, and cultural misconceptions. In this video, she delivers bold truths and challenges outdated norms. Get ready for a raw and honest discussion from the Diamond Princess herself!
00:00:00 - Coming up on Funky Friday
00:03:52 - Intro to Trina
00:04:51 - Where did the Baddest come from?
00:08:21 - Growing up in Miami
00:12:19 - Who inspired you growing up
00:18:30 - Trina's Marriage & Husband
00:34:08 - The Impact of Trina’s Mom
00:54:37 - Has your view of Love changed?
01:02:22 - How do you sift through the low value people
01:08:25 - I will F* you but I don’t F* with you
01:27:18 - What is your “Soft” Era
01:30:45 - Giving game to Men
01:38:18 - Can you have single opposite sex friends?
01:43:20 - Is there anything off limits in a relationship?
01:48:40 - The balance between smothering & Control
01:51:50 - Jumping into Marriage
01:59:15 - GAME - Bad Badder Baddest
02:05:54 - Who proposed to who?
02:06:30 - Love & Hiphop Miami
02:10:00 - Trina being an Author
02:13:30 - Women Empowerment in rap
02:19:45 - How do you want to be remembered
02:20:17 - 1ÕV£
Follow Trina
📸Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trinarockstarr
📲Follow Cam Newton on Social Media!
📹Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cameron1newton
📸Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cameron1newton
🐦Twitter: https://twitter.com/CameronNewton/
👤Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CamJNewton2/
🎩Shop all my hand made hats:
Want more Funky Friday??
Charleston White - https://youtu.be/mD9-ckm4xEU
Jason Lee - https://youtu.be/BPgiImykMu4
Shannon Sharpe - https://youtu.be/DbzjgJXyaKk
Host / Executive Producer:
Cam Newton
Executive Producer:
Kristin J. Meyers
Director / Executive Producer:
David Ricks
Producer / Camera Op:
Omari Collins
Talent Producer:
Lanece Webb
Casting Director:
Mara Davis
Camera Operator:
VJ Revils
Brelan Butler
Sound Mixer:
Troy Hermes
Omar Soto
Brendan Cole
Thumbnail & Channel Manager:
Kent Heckel
Stills Photographer:
Omari Collins
Set Designer:
John Allen
Production:🎬 Iconic Saga
Ralo: Atlanta’s drug Millionaire reckons with the past… 30 trips to Jail, becoming Muslim & Legacy
In this episode of Funky Friday, we explore Ralo’s journey from street hustler to hip-hop star, building millions in both the dope game and music streams. Hear the untold story of his hustle, success, and the challenges he’s faced along the way. Don’t miss this deep dive into the rise of one of rap’s most compelling figures!
00:00:00 - Coming Up on Funky Friday
00:03:22 - Intro to Ralo
00:04:22 - Ralo's story from the beginning
00:09:22 - How did you become a drug dealer?
00:16:30 - Growing up with Grandma
00:28:36 - Ralo's First BIGTIME Plug
00:34:24 - What is considered Success
00:39:51 - The Horror of Drug Dealing
00:48:49 - What did you want to do other than deal?
00:51:40 - Why did you get into music?
00:53:33 - Any regrets from dealing?
00:55:20 - Ralo's Relationships with his Family
01:02:25 - How many times Ralo been to Jail?
01:11:43 - Young Thugs RICO Case
01:25:51 - What surprised you when you came out of Jail?
01:28:19 - How do you give back?
01:42:38 - Ralo on relationships
01:50:54 - GAME - Good Money
01:54:28 - Ralo's definition of freedom
01:57:56 - At the Height of Ralos career, how big was his reach?
01:59:39 - What are you chasing now?
02:01:09 - Who was the most Impactful person in Jail?
02:04:16 - How did you get money back after it was seized?
02:06:10 - How did you tell your kids about being in Jail?
02:11:16 - Have you seen someone's first time
02:13:15 - Do you feel bad for selling drugs
02:19:31 - What do you rap about?
02:23:36 - What do you want your Legacy to be?
02:25:03 - 1ÕV£
Follow Ralo
📸Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ralofamgoon
📲Follow Cam Newton on Social Media!
📹Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cameron1newton
📸Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cameron1newton
🐦Twitter: https://twitter.com/CameronNewton/
👤Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CamJNewton2/
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🎞Executive Producer:
Cam Newton
Produced / Directed By:
David Ricks
Omari Collins
Omari Collins
Vashon Revils
Brelan Butler
Location Sound / Sound Mix and Master:
Troy Hermes
Social Coordinator:
Brendan Cole
Thumbnail & Channel Manager:
Kent Heckel
📹 @KentHeckel
Production:🎬 Iconic Saga
A light-hearted series hosted by NFL Superstar Cam Newton, facilitating a dialogue ranging from lifestyle talk, relationships and workplace habits, to the latest in pop culture and entertainment news - each week featuring a different celebrity guest.