For all the wrong reasons, a national spotlight is shining on Chicago. The underlying problem, contend Ed Bachrach and Austin Berg, is that deliberative democra...
Chicago’s problems are clear. But what’s next? And how can Chicagoans make change? Ed Bachrach and Austin Berg answer these questions as they conclude their findings.
Ep. 7: Pensions
Civic Federation President Laurence Msall joins the podcast to share his deep insight on Chicago's and Illinois' pensions crises and what the city might be able to do to turn things around.
Ep. 6: Policing
Richard Tefank, executive director of the Los Angeles Police Department, and Ted Pearson, co-chair of Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, join the podcast to discuss policing reforms that could improve justice and accountability in Chicago.
Ep. 5: Finance
Shayne Kavanagh from the Government Finance Officers Association joins the podcast to discuss municipal financial practices. What can Chicago learn from others? Where does Chicago fall short?
Ep. 4: City Council
Former Alderman Dick Simpson — now a University of Illinois-Chicago political science professor — joins the podcast to discuss the structure of Chicago’s City Council and ways the city’s system of governance can improve.
For all the wrong reasons, a national spotlight is shining on Chicago. The underlying problem, contend Ed Bachrach and Austin Berg, is that deliberative democracy is dead in the city. On this podcast – which compliments their book, The New Chicago Way – Bachrach and Berg tackle the city's key issues, interview top experts from around the country and lay out a blueprint for change.