Real-life friends and stars of the hit TV show Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Stephanie Beatriz and Melissa Fumero, team up for a weekly podcast that will have you laughin...
“Myspace Top 8: A Social Status Moment” | Social Media
You know it. You love hate it. You’re maybe scrolling on it right now. It’s social media. This week, Steph and Melissa discuss the pros and cons of “the sosh” and dive deep into the psychology of posting. Plus, we answer the perpetual question — Does Stephanie have TikTok on her phone today?See for privacy information.
“I’m Not Trying To Make Gravy” | Preparing for Holidays
The Holidays are on the horizon and Stephanie and Melissa are READY…kind of. Decor? They have a plan for that. Food? We have some restaurants on speed dial. Best Christmas movies? Well, this one’s slightly a point of contention. Though they do agree on *that* leg lamp being cool. This week on More Better, we’re talking about how to prepare for holidays in a way that protects the magic of the season and, equally as important, your *peace*.See for privacy information.
“She Could Be a Farmer in Those Clothes” | Hobbies
A hobby is, according to Steph, “stuff you do on your own GD time” that, according to studies, leads to a happier and healthier life. No pressure! This week, Stephanie and Melissa discuss their hobbies — or lack-there-of — and dig deep into what sparks joy for each of them. Looking for a hobby? Why not pick up baking? Competitive dog grooming? How about stamp collecting? Let’s start with Listening to More Better.See for privacy information.
“Can You Do the Rosa Voice?” | Voice Acting
Ever wondered what it takes to break into the voice acting biz? Or how Stephanie and Lin Manuel Miranda made her role as Mirabel in Encanto come alive in the recording booth? All the funny voices Mel and Steph did during their downtime on the set of Brooklyn 99? Well, thanks to a special voice note from More Better listener Archie this week, our talented hosts are sharing all that there is to know about voice acting. Let’s go!See for privacy information.
“Show Up, Even a Little Bit” | Voting
It’s Election week in America! This week, we revisit our chat with Elsa Collins (@elsamariecollins), professional do-er, humanitarian and founder of Poderistas and This is About Humanity. Steph, Mel and Elsa discuss the election, voting and civic duty in this very special remixed episode with never-before-heard audio. If you’re a fan of More Better, head over to and make a voting plan today — and send Steph and Mel photos of your I Voted sticker on IG @MoreBetterPodcast. See you at the polls.See for privacy information.
Real-life friends and stars of the hit TV show Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Stephanie Beatriz and Melissa Fumero, team up for a weekly podcast that will have you laughing, crying, and crying with laughter. They’ll talk about it all while helping each other (and us) be better – MORE better.
Join these amigas as they take us on their personal ride through all aspects of life and share the juiciest cheat codes for adulting, while throwing in some hilarious anecdotes and probably a few embarrassing stories. In their careers and personal lives (both are married with children), they often find themselves leaning on each other for advice and laughs. Follow Stephanie and Melissa as they keep it real, and real fun on their journey to be little MORE better.