Savannah Locke introduces All the Buried Women, a compelling new miniseries that uncovers the hidden stories of women within the archives of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). What started as a small passion project grew into a year-and-a-half journey into the history of America’s largest Protestant denomination. Together, historian Beth Allison Barr and Savannah Locke are bringing to light the experiences of women silenced by their own denomination and the systemic forces that enabled their marginalization.
Show Notes —>
Hosts: Beth Allison Barr and Savannah Locke
Producer: Savannah Locke
Writing and Editing: Beth Allison Barr and Savannah Locke
Sound Editing and Music: Savannah Locke and Todd Locke
Introduction and Closing Song: Jaded by Savannah Locke
Partner Organization: The Bible for Normal People
Additional Thanks: Andy Clark, Systems Administrator within the University Libraries at Baylor University; Erin Smith, Marketing Manager at Baker Publishing Group; Jordan Corona; Dr. Taffey Hall, Director of the Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives; Brittany Prescott, Podcast Producer for The Bible for Normal People; Adam McCullough, Archivist of Canadian Baptist Archives at McMaster Divinity College; Gordon Heath, Director of Canadian Baptist Archives at McMaster Divinity College; Rev. Leanne Friesen, Executive Minister of Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec (CBOQ) and CBOQ executive board; and the whole team at Lawyers for Reporters.
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Follow us on Instagram: @alltheburiedwomen @bethallisonbarr @savannah_locke @thebiblefornormalpeople
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[Bible] Episode 292: Pete Enns - Pete Ruins Genesis (Part 5)
In this episode of The Bible for Normal People, Pete concludes a lengthy expedition through the book of Genesis with the story of Joseph—emphasizing its role as a bridge between the patriarchal narratives and Israel’s national history, and breaking down how Joseph’s story reflects themes of sibling rivalry, deception, and redemption while also foreshadowing Israel’s future struggles and triumphs.
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[Faith] Episode 53: Sarah McCammon - The Politics of Evangelicalism
In this episode of Faith for Normal People, Pete and Jared talk with NPR Politics reporter Sarah McCammon about the political influence of evangelicals and their support for Donald Trump. They explore how fear, cultural identity, and political strategy shape evangelical politics; the Republican Party’s relationship with religious voters; and the shifting demographics of Trump’s base.Â
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Mentioned in This Episode
God’s Stories as told by God’s Children comes out March 25th!
The Exvangelicals: Loving, Living, and Leaving the White Evangelical Church by Sarah McCammon
Join: The Society of Normal People community
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In this episode of The Bible for Normal People, Jared and Pete talk with John Dominic Crossan about Paul's identity as a Pharisee and his theological evolution from a persecutor to a messianic Pharisee. Dom further explains Paul's belief in cosmic justice, the significance of Jesus's execution as a revelation of societal violence, and the role of resurrection in promoting a vision for a peaceful, non-violent civilization.
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What does it really mean to stand in solidarity with the marginalized? Pete Enns and Angela Parker are joined by scholar and activist Dr. Larycia Hawkins in this episode of Faith for Normal People to explore the risks and challenges of embodied solidarity, the radical model set by Jesus, and how everyday activism intertwines with a life of faith.Â
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