In Burning Hearts, Rachel Herbeck uses Scripture to draw us into a deeply intimate conversation with the Lord. She asks us to consider two questions: What is Go...
Today, we focus on the Psalm response and practice using the psalm given to us as a way to offer praise and gratitude to the Lord throughout the day.
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The Plan for Salvation
As we continue the daily readings, we start the story of Noah and witness how God begins to show us His plan of Salvation even from the beginning of man’s disobedience and corruption.
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The Fruit of Disobedience
This week, we begin looking at the readings of the day from daily Mass. We practice together receiving the Word that God gives us through the liturgy as a source of our spiritual food. We start with the story of Cain and Abel in our first reading.
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The Kingdom to Come
God’s Kingdom is both present here and coming with the return of Jesus. The book of Revelation gives us a glimpse into some of what the heavenly kingdom may look and be like.
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What Is the Kingdom Like?
Jesus tells many parables about the Kingdom of God. Today, we discuss some of those parables and how they involve both mercy and judgement.
In Burning Hearts, Rachel Herbeck uses Scripture to draw us into a deeply intimate conversation with the Lord. She asks us to consider two questions: What is God saying to us? And, what are we doing about it? Journey with Rachel to discover how to make your own roadmap through the Word of God and allow Him to set your heart on fire with zeal for his Word!