Welcome to the Appleton Engaged Podcast! Appleton Engaged Podcast explores the many people, organizations, and resources that make our community an amazing plac...
Episode 85: Jody Kasten - St Vincent de Paul Appleton
Jody Kasten
Executive Director
St Vincent de Paul Appleton
1924 W College Ave, Appleton, WI 54914
Office: 920-739-1679 ext 201
Cell 920-659-1868
Episode 84: Heather Du Vall - St. Joes Food Program
Heather Du Vall
Development Director
St. Joes Food Program
(Direct) 414-279-6785
(Office) 920-734-9461
(email) [email protected]
Episode 83: Irene Strohbeen & Lindsay Prall - NOW (National Organization for Women)
Irene Strohbeen
Acting President
Appleton Area NOW (National Organization for Women)
[email protected]
Lindsay Prall
Director of Communications
Appleton Area NOW (National Organization for Women)
[email protected]
Welcome to the Appleton Engaged Podcast! Appleton Engaged Podcast explores the many people, organizations, and resources that make our community an amazing place to live, work, and play. So whether you're a longtime resident, visiting, or new to the region, join us as we learn more about Appleton and the surrounding Fox Cities Area together. #appletonengaged #podcast #foxcities #storiesofneighborhood #appletonengagedpodcast