John Gruchy re-joins the podcast to break down the steps and requirements you need to get fire on your property. We discuss the essential equipment needed, legal liability considerations, resources and financial support available, tips for success, and why burning is imperative for the wild turkey.  Resources: Martin, J. A., et al. (2012). Wild turkey habitat use in frequently-burned pine savanna. Forest Ecology and Management, 285, 179-186. MDWFP Private Lands Programs National Deer Association National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NRCS Programs & Initiatives Tall Timbers Quail Forever  Donate to wild turkey research: UF Turkey Donation Fund , Auburn Turkey Donation Fund Do you have a topic you’d like us to cover? Leave us a review or send us an email at
[email protected]!  John Gruchy MS Land Conservation Assistance Network Dr. Marcus Lashley @DrDisturbance, Publications Dr. Will Gulsby @dr_will_gulsby, Publications Turkeys for Tomorrow @turkeysfortomorrow UF DEER Lab @ufdeerlab, YouTube  Please help us by taking our (QUICK) listener survey - Thank you! Check out the NEW DrDisturbance YouTube channel! DrDisturbance YouTube Watch these podcasts on YouTube Leave a podcast rating for a chance to win free gear! Get a 10% discount at Grounded Brand by using the code ‘TurkeyScience’ at checkout! This podcast is made possible by Turkeys for Tomorrow, a grassroots organization dedicated to the wild turkey. To learn more about TFT, go to  Music by Produced & edited by Charlotte Nowak Â