the village sessions is hosted by michale chatham, kori meloy, & molly peralta.
join us in michale’s cozy mountain A-frame on maui, hawai’i. we are talking al...
in this first episode of season 2, we’re turning our focus to one of the most simple & overlooked elements of foundational health—light. michale, kori & molly explore the profound ways light informs our biology, energy, & even the choices that become the habits shaping our lives. we dive into eye health & light environment, unpacking how bioenergetics, thyroid function & metabolism are all intimately tied to the quality of light we expose ourselves to. beyond biological, we explore how modern addictions—porn, ipads, video games—are deeply connected to disrupted light cycles, chronic disease & dysregulated nervous systems. we also bring light (pun intended) to the sun as our ally, challenging the mainstream narrative around sun exposure & questioning the possible fallacy of the “sunburn” story. what if aging in reverse is about resourcing from nature, rather than protecting against it? we’re highlighting this conversation to bring awareness to the way light shapes not just our health, but our rhythms, relationships & the environments we create for ourselves & our families—the ecology in which the next generation will grow. take a seat with us or tune into the youtube version of the episode here! links mentioned // purchase your own ra optics lenses with code VILLAGE. switch out your home lights with these circadian bulbs // code is KORI. get connected & begin your experience // sign up for a bowspring class follow us on instagram join rooted families join our pregnancy + birth course nagivating the curves
masculine & feminine dynamics– creating a sustainable relationship
in this episode of the village sessions, we challenge the conventional focus on masculine & feminine dynamics, shifting the conversation to the importance of women going first in their journey of transformation. michale, kori, & molly explore what it means for a woman to say yes to her own growth without pointing the finger at her partner & how this choice impacts her family, relationships & the village she’s building. we discuss the shadow elements that often come up when stepping into expansion, offering a biologically supported framework for why women leading the collective charge is essential. as the contributors of mitochondrial dna, women as the chosen guardians of conception, the light for the next generation & the anchors of transformation for their families. through this lens, we emphasize the concept of “keeping your eyes on your own paper” & taking responsibility for your own charge. our hope is to empower women to see the potential in leading their own process of growth, understanding how their choices ripple out to their families & communities. take a seat & join us for this inspiring conversation on self-responsibility, embodiment & the power of going first. get connected & begin your experience // be the first to hear about off-season content & live show experiences join our free prenatal bowspring flow from our course “the village birth” sign up for a bowspring class follow us on instagram join rooted families join our pregnancy + birth course nagivating the curves
the embodied woman: fertility, birth, & the fashion industry
in this episode of the village sessions, we explore the transformative journey of a woman’s body as it expands & evolves through maidenhood, motherhood, & beyond. michale, kori, & molly dive into the changes women experience—physically, emotionally, & psychologically—and how these choices shape the way we live, move, & dress. we share insights from our own journeys, reflecting on the impact of introducing dynamic movement into our lives & how it has transformed not just our physical shape but also the clothes we choose to wear. we explore what creates “space” within the body, contrasting less favorable patterns like a tucked pelvis & “stuck” diaphragm with the freedom of width, length, & an open pelvic floor. from discussions on diastasis recti & postpartum recovery to the relationship between the diaphragm, core, pelvic floor & the program were given through consumerism or media we hold a vision of women stepping into full embodiment—breathable, expansive & fully at home in their skin. our hope is to inspire women to see the power of their choices, knowing they can rewrite their stories at any stage of life. the emotional, psychological, & physical decisions we make inform the way we shape ourselves & the way we show up in the world. take a seat with us for this vulnerble segment full of stories & heart. get connected & begin your experience // sign up for a bowspring class follow us on instagram join rooted families join our pregnancy + birth course nagivating the curves
your life is your prenatal
in this episode of the village sessions, we explore the concept of “your life is your prenatal,” diving into how birth has been collectively decontextualized in the west as an isolated event rather than an integral part of the natural biological process for women. michale, kori & molly offer a radical perspective: what if preconception, pregnancy, and birth could be simple, intuitive & “drama-free?” we discuss the choice points inherent in all of life, especially during the process of creation & share personal experiences of navigating these moments. by reframing birth as a healing and expansive piece of our lives women, we challenge the narrative that it requires the pieces we’re offered by conditioning, modern day media & the allopathic rhetoric. we chose this topic to inspire women to welcome the energy of creation across all spheres of life, conception, pregnancy —allowing it to shape & expand them. how you create is representative of how you live. take a seat and join us for this thought-provoking conversation on birth, life, and the creative capacity within us all. tune in for the youtube version of the episode resources mentioned in this episode // shelly marshall’s face sculpting course (use code VILLAGE for discount)-- bowspring + face sculpting instagram post morning sun + movement challenge get connected & begin your experience // sign up for a bowspring class follow us on instagram join rooted families join our pregnancy + birth course nagivating the curves
the biggest picture of lip & tongue tie: the power to create change
we’re deep diving into the world of lip and tongue ties, exploring foundational elements required for human growth & development, family ecology, and the underpinnings of the craniofacial growth and development industry. michale, kori, and molly discuss why diagnosis isn’t the end—& why, just maybe, it’s your biggest gift. if you haven’t listened to our first episode, click HERE . in this second part of our series, we explore the secondary gains often tied to going into the full oral & orthodontic expansion route, sharing personal stories & clinical insights we’ve come to. we challenge the narrative that the whole allopathic expansion story may not be linked to the causative truth it’s made out to be, offering a fresh perspective on cranial geometry, tooth eruption & why oral tissues present the way they do. our hope is to empower women and families to see the potential within their children—recognizing that they innately know how to heal, grow & change. it’s our responsibility to attune to them and support their unique purpose on earth. take a seat and join us for this much desired conversation. use code VILLAGE for your mitigate stress order tune in for the youtube version of the episode sign up for a bowspring class follow us on instagram join rooted families join our pregnancy + birth course nagivating the curves
the village sessions is hosted by michale chatham, kori meloy, & molly peralta.
join us in michale’s cozy mountain A-frame on maui, hawai’i. we are talking all things wisdom, home, family, biology, consciousness, and love.
in a society where mothers are looking for their own modern village, join our living room sessions where we give the real real on true village living. this is the “wisdom from your elders” that you have been looking for on birth, ancestral lineages, tribe, relationships, mitochondrial health, and more.
whether you’re tuning in because you want to hear about the deeper meaning of tongue ties & cranial-facial growth, or whether you’re seeking conversations with those who share your values of a deeply connected & vibrant life, come take a seat & listen.