The Scriptures Are Real (TSAR) with Kerry Muhlestein is a podcast where we look at elements of the scriptures that have become real to us. We interview both exp...
S4 E8 I Shall Enlighten Your Mind with Susan Easton Black (D&C 10-11)
Get our fantastic extra content by joining us at There you will find more from each guest, daily thoughts by me on the scripture content and lots of bonus lectures that get into some deep dives. In this episode the amazing Susan Easton Black joins Kerry to discuss the revelation to Hyrum Smith. They also explore what the Lord has to say about Joseph Smith and the lost pages and all we can learn from that. They make the story about Martin Harris and the translation pages come to life. There are details about that story that most people don't know that Susan explains well. She also shares stories from her research efforts. Then Kerry and Susan explore who Hyrum is and how important he was in the Smith family and to Joseph in particular. They talk about how the Lord loves Hyrum and what Hyrum is asked to do and how it applies to us. We are grateful for our generous sponsors, and for Launchpad Consulting Studios for producing the podcast, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
S4 E7 Recognizing God's Answers (D&C 6-9)
We have amazing and fantastic extra material for you on our Patreon Website. Join us there ( for a lot of rich and meaningful extras.In this episode Kerry and Janiece Johnson discuss the background of these crucial sections, and what it teaches us about recognizing how God speaks to us. They talk about common misconceptions, things that can make the process difficult, and how wonderful it it that God speaks to us, and that He speaks to us in so many ways.We are grateful for our generous donors who make the podcast possible. We are also grateful for Launchpad Consulting Studios, who produce the podcast, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
S4 E5 The Real Translation Story: a Seer Translating the Book of Mormon from Gold Plates (D&C 3-5)
Join our Patreon site ( to get some fantastic extra content and to support the podcast. To rent fantastic space and take advantage of the "penthouse suite" in Central Park East building on the Orem/Provo border, email [email protected]. We are grateful for their support of the podcast.In this episode Gerrit Dirkmaat and Kerry explore the translation of the Book of Mormon. They analyze the sources from which we can learn anything, and teach how to evaluate them. They help us think through what it means to be a seer, the nature of having seer stones like the Urim and Thummim, and what we know about Joseph's translation. They help us see things from the point of view of people from Joseph's time, place, and culture, and help us understand the divinely aided translation of this sacred book. We are grateful for our generous donors who make the podcast possible. We are also grateful to Launchpad Consulting Studios for producing the podcast and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
S4 E6 Hearing the Voice of God, a special extra episode with Richard Bushman (D&C 3-5)
Join our Patreon site ( to get some fantastic extra content and to support the podcast. To rent fantastic space and take advantage of the "penthouse suite" in Central Park East building on the Orem/Provo border, email [email protected]. We are grateful for their support of the podcast. In this episode Richard Bushman and Kerry discuss the ways that God worked with Joseph Smith to help him learn, grow, and do what he needed to do. They explore the loss of the 116 pages and the role that Martin Harris played in that and in the Restoration, and the story of Lucy Harris, a law suit, and how all of those things combined to create the pressure that led to the loss of the 116 pages. They also talk about the lessons that Joseph Smith, and we, needed to learn in order to not fall prey to this same kind of mistake. They also talk about how the revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants are like God speaking into our ears. We are grateful for our generous donors who make the podcast possible. We are also grateful to Launchpad Consulting Studios for producing the podcast and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
S4 E4 Visited by an Angel, Robert Millet on Moroni, John, and the Ministering of Angels (D&C 2, JSH 1:27-65)
Get a 15% discount on D&C and Restoration titles at by entering the code KERRY2025 Also, consider getting access to a lot of extra material by joining us at In this episode Kerry and Robert Millet explore facets of Moroni's visits to Joseph Smith. In particular they talk about the prophecies of Elijah's return that Moroni quoted, and how that was fulfilled and the importance of that. They also explore other teachings of Moroni, and the visit of John the Baptist, and the keys of ministering of Angels that he restored. They talk about the truth of the Book of Mormon and the power of knowing. We are grateful for our generous donors and for Launchpad Consulting Studios for producing this episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
The Scriptures Are Real (TSAR) with Kerry Muhlestein is a podcast where we look at elements of the scriptures that have become real to us. We interview both experts (people with language, archaeological, historical backgrounds, etc.), and lay folks, and explore times when the scriptures became real to them. This is done from the viewpoint of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We believe that there is real power in the scriptures and that as they become more real we can better apply them to our lives and draw more power from them.
If you listen to this podcast you will learn all kinds of interesting background information that will help you understand and learn more from the scriptures. We believe it will allow you to add real power to your life.
My gratitude to my co-host Lamar Newmeyer. Also to my friend Rich Nicholls, who composed the introductory music.