The Paramedic Coach discusses EMS education, NREMT certification, and gives career advice and insight to new EMS providers. EMT Training and Paramedic Training ...
Failed NREMT? Try THIS Proven Study Plan and Finally Pass!
Pass School & NREMT Exams, Go Here: https://www.prepareforems.comNeed NREMT Recertification? Go Here: https://www.recertforems.comNeed NREMT Remedial Training? Go Here: https://www.remedialforems.comThe EKG/12-Lead EKG Masterclass: https://www.ekgforems.comThe NREMT exam is the examination that certifies emergency medical technicians and paramedics. This includes the EMR, EMT, AEMT and Paramedic national registry exams. My aim with this presentation is to give you a concise study plan that you can use to comeback after failing NREMT. We do this by reviewing the national registry content, assessing your knowledge along the way and reviewing NREMT practice questions. At The Paramedic Coach, we have thousands of NREMT candidates pass their national registry exam even after multiple failed attempts. The NREMT exam is broken down into five main parts: Airway, respiration, and ventilation (ARV), cardiology and resuscitation, trauma, medical/OBGYN and EMS operations. At the advanced EMT and paramedic levels we also add a speciality question area called: Clinical Judgement. This is the content areas we need to study to pass the NREMT exam. As The Paramedic Coach, I am always here to help, let's pass the NREMT! Pass School & NREMT Exams, Go Here: https://www.prepareforems.comBe great, Evan, The Paramedic Coach #emt #nremt #paramedic
Thinking About Becoming an EMT? (Watch This First)
Pass School & NREMT Exams, Go Here: https://www.prepareforems.comNeed NREMT Recertification? Go Here: https://www.recertforems.comNeed NREMT Remedial Training? Go Here: https://www.remedialforems.comThe EKG/12-Lead EKG Masterclass: https://www.ekgforems.comThis video explains how to get started working on the ambulance service (EMS) and describes the ranks and certification levels of the NREMT. I recommend skipping EMR and jumping right into EMT school as this is true "entry-level" position in a paid ambulance position. Once you gain field experience, working your way from IFT (inter-facility transport) to getting 911 field experience you make the decision whether you want to go to AEMT or Paramedic school to increase your skills, and salary in EMS. The benefits of becoming a paramedic include increased salary, more job opportunities, higher responsibility and leadership on EMS scenes and increased training opportunities such as becoming a community paramedic, tactical paramedic or flight/critical care paramedic. But before we jump to paramedic school we need to get field experience and have a solid foundation with basic life support care and ambulance operations. I hope this video gives you some insight into the schooling and daily life of working as an EMR, EMT, AEMT or Paramedic! On this channel, I help EMS students prepare for school, pass school and pass NREMT exams. Join us for a lesson! Be great, Evan, The Paramedic Coach #ems #emt #paramedic
NREMT Recertification: Complete Walkthrough
Need NREMT Recertification? Go Here: https://www.recertforems.comPass School & NREMT Exams, Go Here: https://www.prepareforems.comNeed NREMT Remedial Training? Go Here: https://www.remedialforems.comThe EKG/12-Lead EKG Masterclass: https://www.ekgforems.comEMS providers every two years must submit an application for NREMT recertification. There are two ways you can maintain your national registry certification. The most common route is taking continuing medical education that is CAPCE accredited to gain your NREMT recertification. The second is taking the NREMT exam all over again. Using online CAPCE accredited CE programs like the NREMT recertification program we offer at The Paramedic Coach you can complete your CE hours at your own pace on any device. The amount of hours you need to recertify differs by provider level. EMR providers need 16 hours, EMT providers need 40 hours, AEMT providers need 50 hours and paramedics need 60 hours of continuing medical education that is state EMS or CAPCE accredited. The NREMT follows the National Continued Competency Program (NCCP Model) which breaks down your NREMT recertification hours into national component, local component, individual component hours we organize all the requirements for you at The Paramedic Coach. Finally, I recommend strongly to any EMS providers to maintain their NREMT status as some jobs, promotions, contracts can require it. Also if you decide to move one day it makes EMS certification reciprocity much easier. Be great, Evan, The Paramedic Coach #emt #paramedic #nremt
Convert a State EMS Certification to NREMT Certification
Need NREMT Recertification? Go Here: https://www.recertforems.comPass School & NREMT Exams, Go Here: https://www.prepareforems.comNeed NREMT Remedial Training? Go Here: https://www.remedialforems.comThe EKG/12-Lead EKG Masterclass: https://www.ekgforems.comIf you have a current state EMS certification and want to turn that into national registry (NREMT) certification here is how you do it! Many EMS providers will message me asking about this process usually it is because they are moving to another state or they're new role or job is requiring or asking they become NREMT certified. The process is pretty similar between the levels of EMR, EMT, AEMT and Paramedic it requires you to take CAPCE accredited continuing medical education programs and pass the national registry exam at your EMS provider level. Enjoy this walkthrough and if you need EMS continuing medical education or need NREMT recertification hours go here: https://www.recertforems.comBe great, Evan, The Paramedic Coach #nremt #emt #paramedic
How To Get Your NREMT Back! (Expired or Lapsed NREMT Certification)
Need NREMT Recertification? Go Here: https://www.recertforems.comPass School & NREMT Exams, Go Here: https://www.prepareforems.comNeed NREMT Remedial Training? Go Here: https://www.remedialforems.comThe EKG/12-Lead EKG Masterclass: https://www.ekgforems.comThis video will show you how to get your NREMT certification back if it has lapsed. NREMT also calls this a re-entry pathway to certification meaning you had your NREMT in the past but now your NREMT has expired. The first step in gaining your national registry certification back is completing CAPCE accredited CE which is the same hours as a full recertification program hours. The next step after that is passing the NREMT written (cognitive) examination. You will also need to verify your skills to begin to practice again as an EMT, AEMT or Paramedic. I breakdown each national registry certification in the video here for you! Be great, Evan, The Paramedic Coach #nremt #emt #paramedic
The Paramedic Coach discusses EMS education, NREMT certification, and gives career advice and insight to new EMS providers. EMT Training and Paramedic Training can be very accelerated and students can get left behind. My goal with this podcast is to help students pass school and the NREMT exams. I believe that anyone out there who wants to serve their community as an EMT or Paramedic should be able to do that. My aim is to decrease the failure rates of NREMT exams and help students pass the NREMT exam the first time. Whether you are preparing for EMT/Paramedic School, in EMS classes right now, or studying for your NREMT exams this podcast is built for you.I look forward to seeing your EMS education and NREMT exam success! Be Great, Evan, The Paramedic Coach®