Allen Wyma talks with Matthias Endler, the creator of lychee, a stream-based link checker written in Rust that finds broken hyperlinks and mail addresses inside of HTML and Markdown documents as well as websites.
Contributing to Rustacean Station
Rustacean Station is a community project; get in touch with us if you’d like to suggest an idea for an episode or offer your services as a host or audio editor!
Twitter: @rustaceanfm
Discord: Rustacean Station
Github: @rustacean-station
Email: [email protected]
[@00:00] - Meet Matthias: Rust consultant and creator of lychee
[@01:55] - Protocol support, valid links, and lychee features
[@14:51] - What inspired the creation of lychee
[@19:25] - Supporting open-source projects and advice for creators starting their own
[@32:17] - Staying on top of dependencies: why upgrading matters
[@47:45] - New features being added to lychee
Other links
RUSTAsia Conf 2025
Intro Theme: Aerocity
Audio Editing: Plangora
Hosting Infrastructure: Jon Gjengset
Show Notes: Plangora
Hosts: Allen Wyma
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Idiomatic Rust with Brenden Matthews
Allen Wyma talks with Brenden Matthews, the author of the book Idiomatic Rust.
Contributing to Rustacean Station
Rustacean Station is a community project; get in touch with us if you’d like to suggest an idea for an episode or offer your services as a host or audio editor!
Twitter: @rustaceanfm
Discord: Rustacean Station
Github: @rustacean-station
Email: [email protected]
[@00:00] - Meet Brenden Matthews, author of Idiomatic Rust
[@02:52] - Writing idiomatic Rust and the evolution of the book
[@06:47] - Design patterns, idioms, and Rust coding practices
[@12:36] - Structuring idiomatic Rust code
[@33:57] - Advanced Rust features: pattern matching and traits
[@42:51] - Coroutines, generators, and learning Rust idioms
Other links
RUSTAsia Conf 2025
Intro Theme: Aerocity
Audio Editing: Plangora
Hosting Infrastructure: Jon Gjengset
Show Notes: Plangora
Hosts: Allen Wyma
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Rust in Google with Lars Bergstrom
Allen Wyma talks with Lars Bergstrom, Director of Engineering at Google, about Google’s use of Rust within Android. Android is Google’s main mobile operating system deployed to over 3 billion devices around the world.
Contributing to Rustacean Station
Rustacean Station is a community project; get in touch with us if you’d like to suggest an idea for an episode or offer your services as a host or audio editor!
Twitter: @rustaceanfm
Discord: Rustacean Station
Github: @rustacean-station
Email: [email protected]
[@00:00] - Meet Lars Bergstrom
[@03:06] - Updates on Android devices
[@06:49] - Rust usage at Google and in Android development
[@10:26] - Zig as a security-focused alternative
[@22:52] - Native code development on Android
[@24:56] - Comparing Rust and Go
[@27:26] - Rust as an app development language
[@32:12] - LLVM vs GCC
[@40:15] - Concluding discussion
Other links
RUSTAsia Conf 2025
Intro Theme: Aerocity
Audio Editing: Plangora
Hosting Infrastructure: Jon Gjengset
Show Notes: Plangora
Hosts: Allen Wyma
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Tauri 2.0 with Daniel Thompson-Yvetot
Allen Wyma talks with Daniel Thompson-Yvetot, co-founder of Tauri about Tauri’s 2.0 release. Tauri is a toolkit that helps developers make applications for the major desktop platforms using a variety of front-end frameworks.
Contributing to Rustacean Station
Rustacean Station is a community project; get in touch with us if you’d like to suggest an idea for an episode or offer your services as a host or audio editor!
Twitter: @rustaceanfm
Discord: Rustacean Station
Github: @rustacean-station
Email: [email protected]
[@00:33] - Daniel’s introduction to Tauri
[@10:12] - Making Tauri small and secure
[@18:38] - Multiplatform testing
[@28:26] - CrabNebula & its connection to Tauri
[@35:31] - Running Tauri
[@42:57] - Tauri 2.0 status
Other Resources
Tauri’s Github
Other links
RUSTAsia Conf 2025
Intro Theme: Aerocity
Audio Editing: Plangora
Hosting Infrastructure: Jon Gjengset
Show Notes: Plangora
Hosts: Allen Wyma
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Eclipse uProtocol with Pete LeVasseur
Allen Wyma talks with Pete LeVasseur about Eclipse uProtocol. uProtocol is a library to make services within automobiles to easily communicate with each other, no matter where they are in the vehicle.
Contributing to Rustacean Station
Rustacean Station is a community project; get in touch with us if you’d like to suggest an idea for an episode or offer your services as a host or audio editor!
Twitter: @rustaceanfm
Discord: Rustacean Station
Github: @rustacean-station
Email: [email protected]
[@00:00] - Meet Pete LeVasseur, maintainer of Eclipse uProtocol, a software-defined communications framework
[@15:34] - Journey to uProtocol
[@22:19] - Understanding uProtocol
[@43:25] - Rust adoption in the project and the automotive industry
[@48:03] - Announcements & concluding discussion
Other links
RUSTAsia Conf 2025
Pete’s Blog
Intro Theme: Aerocity
Audio Editing: Plangora
Hosting Infrastructure: Jon Gjengset
Show Notes: Plangora
Hosts: Allen Wyma