Just a basic bitch making a good life happen. Want to manifest amazing things into your life too? Join me, it's not a cult! I've been practicing the law of attr...
Using The 'Let Them' Theory IRL, Wintering Well & Beating SAD!
Thank you so much for listening! I hope you got some value from today's episode. You can find me on Insta @francescaamber & @lawofattractionchangedmylife You can join the Book Club B*tches HERE & find out more on SUBLIMINALS & my Manifesting Money Masterclass here. Thanks for listening & I'll see you next week, Fran xxx Join today for twice monthly Manifest With The Moon episodes every new and full moon. https://plus.acast.com/s/loacml.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Telling You What Doctors Won't with Lauren Lepley
GET 50% OFF HEAVY METAL DETOX Welcome back and thank you so much for listening to this fascinating episode with Lauren Lepley. I recently met Lauren at an event and her talk blew me away. She offers real, tangible action for healing yourself. You can find Lauren, The Alternative Doctor at: @laurenlepley_I hope you found this episode valuable. If you are interested in detoxing from heavy metals I have 50% off the company I use. A tasteless, odourless dropper for the gut and spray for cellular health is all you take 3 times a day. I've done it for myself and the girls for the past month or so to heal and treat parasites, heavy metals etc... The link is at the top of the show notes. Come and find me on the gram @francescaamber & @lawofattractionchangedmylife You can come and join the BOOK CLUB B*TCHES at any time. Self development, one book at a time...Find my full range of subliminals for health and wellness here.Thank you so much for listening and I'll see you next week, Fran xxx Join today for twice monthly Manifest With The Moon episodes every new and full moon. https://plus.acast.com/s/loacml.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
The Power of the Hot Girl Walk
GET 10% OFF THE WALKING PAD I USE HERE!I truly hope you love and feel inspired by this episode all about the power of visualisation whilst walking. It really is so powerful. Pick a playlist or listen to one of my subliminals as you walk The subliminals I've been listening to for the last 6-8 weeks are the Hot Girl Summer and Weight Loss & Fitness. Come and find me on the gram and share your hot girl walk, I'll reshare as many as I can!@francescaamber & @lawofattractionchangedmylife Come and join the BOOK CLUB B*TCHES at any time! Self development, one book at a time...Thank you so much for listening and I'll see you next week!Fran xxx Join today for twice monthly Manifest With The Moon episodes every new and full moon. https://plus.acast.com/s/loacml.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
The Power of Perspective
IF YOU'RE READY TO MANIFEST EARTH-MOVING LOVE INTO YOUR LIFE AFFIRM IT: YES I AM!Welcome back to the pod, thanks so much for listening. You can join the BOOK CLUB B*TCHES at any time!Find me on the gram at @lawofattractionchangedmylife and @francescaamberFor subliminals, masterclasses and everything else, check out my website francescaamber.comThanks so much for listening and I'll see you next week!Fran xxx Join today for twice monthly Manifest With The Moon episodes every new and full moon. https://plus.acast.com/s/loacml.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
How To Change Your Entire Life in 365 Days
MANIFEST LOVE WITH ME THIS VALENTINE'S DAY Thank you so much for joining me again this week! I hope you LOVE this interview with the Instagram sensation Your Mate Ginger Kate. Also, can we just... this is my FIRST ever episode in my new podcast studio! Who is she?!? Today we chat about low tox living, manifesting your dream life, the shit show that was the lockdown and so much more. See more of Kate on her instagram @yourmategingerkateCome and find me on the gram @lawofattractionchangedmylife & @francescaamber If you want more info on my book club, subliminals, masterclasses and more, go to www.francescaamber.comI'll see you next week, thanks for listening!Fran xxx Join today for twice monthly Manifest With The Moon episodes every new and full moon. https://plus.acast.com/s/loacml.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Just a basic bitch making a good life happen. Want to manifest amazing things into your life too? Join me, it's not a cult! I've been practicing the law of attraction for over 10 years with incredible results, hopefully you will leave our weekly sessions together both informed & entertained.
Join today for twice monthly Manifest With The Moon episodes every new and full moon. https://plus.acast.com/s/loacml.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.