In the Market with Janet Parshall, challenges listeners to examine major news stories and issues being debated in the marketplace of ideas and speaks to them wi...
The beloved devotional My Utmost for His Highest has challenged, encouraged, and moved people to think more deeply about their relationship with the Lord. David McCasland will join us to stretch our understanding of God and how He works as we ponder the timeless wisdom of Oswald Chambers paired with modern-day stories of inspiration. Become a Parshall Partner: for privacy information.
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Hour 1: Replacing Darwin
When Darwin published "On the Origin of Species" in 1859, he provoked a scientific revolution. After Darwin died, three scientific developments quietly rewrote his conclusions. Today, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson will help us gain an appreciation for the nature of the science, the thrill of discovery, and the current explanation of the origin of species. He will also explain why Darwin’s conclusions are not the final word on the origin of species.Become a Parshall Partner: for privacy information.
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Hour 2: Jesus Revealed in the End Times
Most books about the End Times focus on the events described in biblical prophecy--wars, natural disasters, economic turmoil, and more--rather than the One who is revealed in those events. The result? God's people end up fearful about what is to come rather than hopeful about Who is to come. But the Bible's prophecies of the last days can fill us with joy and peace as we anticipate the return and reign of our beloved savior, Jesus Christ. Our guest, bestselling author and pastor Dr. Robert Jeffress, takes a radically different approach to prophecy, helping you see the end times through the lens of Jesus Christ. You'll stop fretting about future events as you start to know Jesus more deeply, see Him more clearly, and praise Him more joyfully.Become a Parshall Partner: for privacy information.
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Hour 1: Warfare Parenting
Are your children making sinful and destructive choices? Parenting a prodigal can be heartbreaking, but you can fight for your child's destiny with the battle plan. Our guest, Laine Lawson Craft, will join us to share her story of praying three wayward prodigals home and offer practical insight, hope, and God's promises to help you handle the emotional roller coaster of trust, deal with destructive choices, and more. Join us for an hour of encouragement and hope.Become a Parshall Partner: for privacy information.
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Hour 2: The Reluctant Witness
As society has changed, it seems we have become more uncomfortable talking with people about our faith. We are reluctant conversationalists. The reality is that many of our churches and communities are shrinking instead of growing. What can we do about this? Don Everts, himself a reluctant witness, grew up assuming that spiritual conversations are always painful and awkward. But after falling into one spiritual conversation after another, he was surprised to discover that they aren't. Unpacking what God's Word says about spiritual conversations and digging into the habits of eager conversationalists, Everts will describe what we can learn from Christians who are still talking about their faith.Become a Parshall Partner: for privacy information.
In the Market with Janet Parshall, challenges listeners to examine major news stories and issues being debated in the marketplace of ideas and speaks to them with the Word of God.
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