Truce explores the history of the evangelical church in America, from fundamentalism to pyramid schemes to political campaigns. Host Chris Staron uses journalis...
Republicans and Evangelicals I The John Birch Society (featuring Matthew Dallek)
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Robert Welch was a candy magnate who invented the Sugar Daddy and sold favorites like Junior Mints and Milk Duds. He was also very anti-communist. His dubious research led him to found the John Birch Society, a group whose mission was to spread conspiracy theories worldwide. They had major support from wealthy men like Fred Koch, father of the Koch brothers (who financed opposition to Obamacare and climate change legislation).
Some of their most notable campaigns were those against Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Earl Warren and President Dwight Eisenhower. They claimed that these men were communist sympathizers working behind the scenes to put the communist agenda. Bogus stuff, but they gained thousands of followers across the country. They also fought the income tax, said that black people would not have wanted equality if the communists hadn't taught them to, and argued that the US is a republic and not a democratic republic.
Phyllis Schlafly, RJ Rushdoony, Tim LaHaye, and many others had ties to the birchers. This group had a huge influence on the Religious Right! Not to mention shifting the GOP to accept extremists.
Our special guest for this episode is Dr. Matthew Dallek, a political historian at George Washington University. His book is Birchers: How the John Birch Society Radicalized the American Right.
Birchers: How the John Birch Society Radicalized the American Right by Matthew Dallek
Before the Storm by Rick Perlstein
Divided We Stand by Marjorie Spruill
Helpful Guardian article about the Koch brothers and Americans for Prosperity
Christian Reconstruction: RJ Rushdoony and American Religious Conservatism by Michael McVicar
NY Times article about J. Howard Pew's connections to Robert Welch
Dark Money by Jane Mayer
Discussion Questions
What is the John Birch Society?
Was communism a threat to the country in the mid-1900s?
What would have been the proper way to respond to communism?
What is the impact of conspiracy theories on American Christianity?
There are real conspiracies in the US, like those by Donald Trump and his allies to steal the 2020 election. But a lot of Christians don't believe these real conspiracies. How has an abundance of false conspiracies numbed our ability to recognize reality?
Are you surprised Tim LaHaye, Phyllis Schlafly, and RJ Rushdoony were affiliated with the JBS?
How can believers maintain their faith even when evangelical culture has been corrupted?
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Republicans and Evangelicals | A Brief History of Libertarianism (featuring Andrew Koppelman)
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Modern evangelicalism sometimes incorporates pieces of different ideas. Things that are in the air. Social messages. Political stances. But has evangelicalism been enchanted by libertarianism?
In this episode, we cover a brief history of libertarianism. What is it and who are some of the main thinkers? We discuss Murry Rothbard, Ayn Rand, Friedrich Hayek, and Robert Nozick.
What is a libertarian? Matt Zwolinski and John Tomasi define libertarianism by six characteristics. Libertarians are defined by a love of private property, they are skeptical of authority, and they like free markets, spontaneous order, individualism, and negative liberty. We will define each of these throughout the episode.
Our special guest for this episode is Andrew Koppelman, law professor at Northwestern University. He's the author of the book Burning Down the House: How Libertarian Philosophy Was Corrupted by Delusion and Greed.
Burning Down the House: How Libertarian Philosophy Was Corrupted by Delusion and Greed. by Andrew Koppelman
The Individualists by Matt Zwolinski and John Tomasi
The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich Hayek
Matthew 25
The Road to Serfdom cartoon version
The Years of Lyndon Johnson by Robert Caro (for the Dust Bowl section in book 2)
99% Invisible episode The Infernal Machine for information on anarchists
Teddy Roosevelt's first address to Congress
Dark Money by Jane Mayer article about The Clean Air Act
NPR story about law enforcement throwing protestors in unmarked vans
Listen America! by Jerry Falwell
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand (I could only stomach maybe 1/4 of it. I promised myself if she wrote "Rearden Steel" one more time that I would stop reading. She did. So I did.)
Discussion Questions
What is libertarianism?
How have you seen libertarianism crossing over into evangelicalism?
Does libertarianism counter the story from Matthew 25?
What is the impact of Ayn Rand? Have you read her books?
Why did Atlas Shrugged suddenly become the "it" book among Republicans in 2020?
Is there any place for selfishness in the Christian walk?
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Republicans and Evangelicals I How Bad Drivers Prepare Us for Christmas
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Well, we survived the 2024 US presidential election! But many people still feel anxiety as we head into the Christmas and New Year holidays. How can Christians prepare for a holiday season when politics will likely arise?
Chris Staron is joined by Karl Klemmer, Nick Staron, and Ray McDaniel at First Baptist Church in Jackson, WY to discuss these issues and more. Plus Chris talks about his own anger as a pedestrian as drivers have come close to hitting him. How do Christians respond when they are wronged? We also spend a lot of time talking about Romans 14 which encourages believers to love their brothers and sisters who struggle in their faith or who have convictions different than our own. Can verses about food sacrificed to idols teach us something about dealing with loved ones who are different than us?
Romans 12-15 (mixed translations)
Discussion Questions:
Why is it important to come to a complete stop at stop signs?
Has anyone ever wronged you on the road? How did that feel? How did you react?
Do you get upset about things you can't change? What are some examples?
How can you adjust to not beat yourself up over things you can't change?
What are other examples of non-mission critical things we can give grace on (like food sacrificed to idols)?
Are there political issues that are mission-critical? Which ones are not? What are some that you can let slide in a conversation?
How do you prepare yourself to enter a stressful environment?
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Republicans and Evangelicals I How the Wealthy Dodge Taxes (w/ Pro Publica's Jesse Eisinger)
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How do ultra-wealthy people avoid paying taxes? It seems like a strange subject to bring up when discussing why some evangelicals are drawn to the Republican Party. But many of the ties between evangelicals and the GOP have to do with money. So, let's take a little side trip and explore the tax loopholes of today. More importantly, let's try to understand why so many Americans are tax-averse. Could it possibly be because we, deep down, know that someone else is getting a better deal than us?
One tactic used by the ultra-wealthy is "buy, borrow, die". They avoid "income", instead opting for assets like stock and real estate they can borrow against. Borrowed money is not taxed. Then they either pay back those loans with other loans (often with interest rates that are much lower than their tax rates would be) or they fail to pay back the loans. Then... they die.
Jesse Eisinger is a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter with Pro Publica. Chris first heard about him from his book (pardon the language) The Chickenshit Club and met him when he appeared at a live event in Jackson, WY hosted by the Teton County Library, the Center for the Arts, and the Jackson Hole News and Guide.
Pro-Publica's reporting on taxation
This lecture at the Center for the Arts in Jackson, WY on November 8, 2023
Fascinating IRS responses to some of the conspiracy theories about them
Disney's Donald Duck film "The New Spirit" encourages income tax as a national duty
Time Magazine article about the history of taxes
William McKinley vs. William Jennings Bryan by John Pafford (pg 29)
New York Times archival article listing taxes paid by the wealthy
The 16th Amendment
The Macomber case article on
Historic Tax Bracket data
Time Magazine article on the John Birch Society
Methodist History from January 1988
Discussion Questions:
What are your thoughts on the income tax in general?
How should countries be funded?
Why might a progressive tax structure (where wealthy people pay more) make sense?
How could we close some of these tax loopholes?
What is the difference between income and wealth?
Should we tax wealth in the USA?
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Republicans and Evangelicals I Fundamentalist Takeover of the Southern Baptist Convention
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It all started with a meeting over fancy donuts. Paige Patterson and a friend met together to plot the fundamentalist takeover of the Southern Baptist Convention. Before that time, the SBC had been more theologically diverse (though, not necessarily racially diverse due to its founding as a group that desired slavery). But if this group of fundamentalists was going to get a whole denomination to turn their way, they'd have to be clever. It would take time.
Their scheme involved getting fundies elected into high office who could then turn committees and sub-committees to their side. It's a story of a minority group gaining control of a large organization, and steering it toward their vision of what it means to be a Christian.
The Fundamentalist Takeover of the Southern Baptist Convention – by Rob James, Gary Leazer
The Evangelicals by Frances Fitzgerald
Christianity Today article about Paige Patterson's allegations
Religion News article about Patterson
Tennesseean article about Patterson
Article about early Baptists
Church History in Plain Language by Bruce Shelley
Cornell's article about the separation of church and state
Frances Shaeffer and the Shaping of Evangelical America by Barry Hankins
Johnson Archives about SBC
Johnson Archives SBC Resolutions
Certified Pastry Aficianatro article about beignets
Discussion Questions
The episode starts with a discussion of accusations about Paige Patterson. What was your reaction to that story and why?
Is it possible for a spouse to be a part of the salvation of their husband or wife? Where are the lines?
When were you baptized? Did you do it as an adult, child, or both? Why?
What do you think is the "right" way to baptize someone? Why?
What are your thoughts on inerrancy?
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Truce explores the history of the evangelical church in America, from fundamentalism to pyramid schemes to political campaigns. Host Chris Staron uses journalistic tools to investigate how the church got here and how it can do better.
The current season follows the rise of the Religious Right, examining the link between evangelicals and the Republican Party. Featuring special guests like Rick Perlstein, Frances Fitzgerald, Jesse Eisinger, Daniel K. Williams, and more.