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Podcast The Bible Dept.
ARMA Courses
Welcome to The Bible Dept., a 365-day Bible reading plan and podcast with Dr. Manny Arango designed to help you connect with Scripture in a fresh, meaningful wa...

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  • Day 65: James 1-2
    James isn’t just about belief—it’s about action. This book is packed with practical wisdom that challenges us to mature in faith, endure trials, and actually live what we claim to believe. But how do we balance faith and works? And why did Martin Luther struggle with this book so much? Let’s dive into James 1-2.✈️ Overview:• James, the brother of Jesus, writes one of the most practical books in the Bible—focusing on wisdom, not doctrine.• Unlike Paul’s letters, James is not evangelistic. He assumes his audience is already believers and calls them to maturity in faith.• The central theme: Faith without works is dead. Real faith is seen in action.• James’ style mirrors both the Book of Proverbs and Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount—giving us short, memorable wisdom statements.🔎 Context Clues:• James’ original Hebrew name is Jacob, but it was Latinized into James.• His letter is addressed to Jewish Christians, showing its deep connection to Old Testament wisdom literature.• Unlike Paul’s theological writings, James gives direct, practical commands—much like Proverbs.• The book is structured as a New Testament Proverbs, giving bite-sized wisdom on trials, temptation, speech, wealth, and true faith.🤓 Nerdy Nuggets:• Martin Luther famously called James an “epistle of straw” because of its emphasis on works—yet James isn’t contradicting Paul, but complementing him.• For James, faith and works aren’t in opposition. Instead, faith is the root, and works are the fruit.• The book only mentions Jesus twice—a rare feature for a New Testament letter.• Wisdom in the Bible is practical, not just philosophical. James speaks about real-life matters—how we speak, how we handle money, and how we treat others.✅ Timeless Truths:• Mature faith requires action. Faith isn’t just belief—it’s demonstrated in how we live.• Trials develop perseverance. James says to count it joy when we face trials because they refine and mature us.• Wisdom requires discernment. Like Proverbs 26:4-5 (which gives opposite advice in two verses), wisdom is about knowing when to apply the right principle.• Faith isn’t passive—it’s active. If you claim to believe in Jesus, your actions should reflect it.James gives us a no-nonsense, in-your-face guide to real, practical Christianity. If you’re serious about growing in wisdom and faith, this book is for you. Read James 1-2 today—better yet, read the whole book! I’ll see you tomorrow for James 3-5. Don’t quit now!🚀 START HERE!Want to join us on the journey? Check out the Start Page! You can start from Episode 001 on January 1st or jump in to follow along with us, your choice.📖 DOWNLOAD THE PLAN:Whether you’re new to the Bible or ready for a fresh start in 2025, this plan is for YOU. And the best part? The plan is FREE! Download it now and start your journey today.🤓 WANT MORE BIBLE NERD RESOURCES?Check out armacourses.com for biblical literacy resources, courses, and a community to grow with! Learn the Bible for yourself with 60+ courses and counting for only $13 / Month. Also, your first 30 days are on us. Join ARMA for FREE!🐉 PRE-ORDER DR.MANNY'S NEW BOOKCrushing Chaos is available now for preorder, shipping on May 6th. Learn more & buy now at https://crushingchaos.com.🍬 CHURCH CANDY MARKETINGGet NEW church guests, EVERY Sunday without you having to stress over ads, algorithms, or figuring out Facebook or Instagram. Head over to https://churchcandy.com/manny to book a discovery call today!👍 NEVER MISS AN EPISODE! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE:The Bible Dept. | YouTubeThe Bible Dept. | SpotifyThe Bible Dept. | Apple Podcasts📱 STAY CONNECTED:The Bible Dept. | InstagramThe Bible Dept. | FacebookDr. Manny Arango | InstagramARMA | Instagram📨 EMAIL US!Got questions or want to share your thoughts? Email us at [email protected].💥 MORE RESOURCES:Amazon Store | Shop The Bible Dept. EssentialsDr. Manny Arango’s Book | BrainwashedBook Dr. Manny to Speak🌱 WE’RE PLANTING A CHURCH!The Garden | Houston, TXThe Garden | InstagramThe Garden | FacebookAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands
  • Day 64: Hebrews 11-13
    Faith isn’t about getting what you want—it’s about persevering even when you don’t. In Hebrews 11-13, we see that biblical faith isn’t about feelings, miracles, or perfect people. It’s about endurance, loyalty, and trusting God despite suffering, doubt, and setbacks. If you’ve ever felt like quitting, this chapter is for you.✈️ Overview:• Hebrews 11, known as the Hall of Faith, highlights men and women who persevered through suffering, moral failure, and doubt.• The chapter is framed by a call to endurance—faith is about pressing forward, not turning back.• Hebrews 12 urges believers to throw off “the sin that so easily entangles”—likely referring to unbelief and the temptation to abandon Christ.• Hebrews 13 closes with practical instructions for living out faith in a hostile world.🔎 Context Clues:• Perseverance is the theme. Hebrews 10:35-39 warns against shrinking back, and Hebrews 12:1-4 urges believers to endure, just like the Hall of Faith heroes.• The sin that entangles (Heb. 12:1) isn’t just any sin—it’s specifically the temptation to abandon faith under pressure. The author reminds readers that true faith endures.• Faith isn’t about perfection. The figures in Hebrews 11 had serious flaws—Noah got drunk, Abraham lied, Moses murdered, David committed adultery—yet they were commended for their perseverance.🤓 Nerdy Nuggets:• The phrase “great cloud of witnesses” (Heb. 12:1) uses imagery from a Roman stadium, where past runners cheer on those still in the race.• The term “faith” in Hebrews 11 is best understood as believing loyalty—not just mental agreement, but steadfast commitment to God.• Hebrews 12:4 says, “You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.” This suggests that the audience was facing persecution but had not yet been martyred.• The author of Hebrews repeatedly contrasts the New Covenant with the Old Covenant, emphasizing that faith in Jesus surpasses the old sacrificial system.✅ Timeless Truths:• Faith is not about outcomes—it’s about pleasing God. Hebrews 11:6 makes it clear: faith pleases God, even if things don’t go as we hope.• Endurance is the proof of true faith. The people in Hebrews 11 weren’t perfect, but they persevered. Quitting on God was never an option.• Faith is a long game. The heroes of faith never saw the full promise fulfilled in their lifetime—but they kept believing.• Fix your eyes on Jesus. Hebrews 12:2 points to Jesus as the ultimate example of perseverance—He endured the cross, knowing the joy that lay ahead.Faith is about trust, endurance, and holding on—no matter what. If you’ve been tempted to shrink back, don’t quit now! God rewards those who seek Him (Heb. 11:6). Stay faithful. Keep running the race. See you tomorrow for Day 65 as we dive into the book of James!🚀 START HERE!Want to join us on the journey? Check out the Start Page! You can start from Episode 001 on January 1st or jump in to follow along with us, your choice.📖 DOWNLOAD THE PLAN:Whether you’re new to the Bible or ready for a fresh start in 2025, this plan is for YOU. And the best part? The plan is FREE! Download it now and start your journey today.🤓 WANT MORE BIBLE NERD RESOURCES?Check out armacourses.com for biblical literacy resources, courses, and a community to grow with! Learn the Bible for yourself with 60+ courses and counting for only $13 / Month. Also, your first 30 days are on us. Join ARMA for FREE!🐉 PRE-ORDER DR.MANNY'S NEW BOOKCrushing Chaos is available now for preorder, shipping on May 6th. Learn more & buy now at https://crushingchaos.com.🍬 CHURCH CANDY MARKETINGGet NEW church guests, EVERY Sunday without you having to stress over ads, algorithms, or figuring out Facebook or Instagram. Head over to https://churchcandy.com/manny to book a discovery call today!👍 NEVER MISS AN EPISODE! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE:The Bible Dept. | YouTubeThe Bible Dept. | SpotifyThe Bible Dept. | Apple Podcasts📱 STAY CONNECTED:The Bible Dept. | InstagramThe Bible Dept. | FacebookDr. Manny Arango | InstagramARMA | Instagram📨 EMAIL US!Got questions or want to share your thoughts? Email us at [email protected].💥 MORE RESOURCES:Amazon Store | Shop The Bible Dept. EssentialsDr. Manny Arango’s Book | BrainwashedBook Dr. Manny to Speak🌱 WE’RE PLANTING A CHURCH!The Garden | Houston, TXThe Garden | InstagramThe Garden | FacebookAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands
  • Day 63: Hebrews 5-10
    The debate over “Once Saved, Always Saved” is one of the most heated in modern theology. But what if Hebrews 5-10 delivers the deathblow to this idea? The author of Hebrews warns believers not to drift, shrink back, or fall away. So, can you really lose your salvation? Or is there more to this conversation than we think? Let’s dig in.✈️ Overview:• Hebrews 6:4-6 presents one of the strongest warnings against falling away, describing it as “impossible” to restore someone who has turned back.• The Old Covenant required repeated sacrifices—but Jesus’ sacrifice was “once for all” (Heb. 10:10).• The theme of Hebrews is endurance—believers are called to hold fast and not shrink back (Heb. 10:39).• The priesthood of Jesus (after the order of Melchizedek) is superior to the Levitical priesthood, proving that the New Covenant is fundamentally different from the Old.🔎 Context Clues:• The audience: Jewish Christians tempted to return to Judaism to avoid persecution under Nero. The author warns them that turning back would mean abandoning Christ.• The sacrificial system: Under the Old Covenant, priests offered sacrifices repeatedly, but Jesus’ single sacrifice secured eternal redemption (Heb. 9:12).• Apostasy vs. Backsliding: Hebrews differentiates between struggling in faith and outright rejection of Christ—only the latter is considered “falling away.”• “Once for all” (Heb. 10:10) means that Christ’s sacrifice is sufficient, but believers must endure and not abandon their faith.🤓 Nerdy Nuggets:• Hebrews 6:4-6 echoes the language of covenant renewal ceremonies in Deuteronomy—rejecting Jesus is likened to Israel’s rebellion in the wilderness.• “Melchizedek” is a priest-king figure who predates the Levitical priesthood (Gen. 14:18-20). Jesus’ priesthood is modeled after Melchizedek, making it superior.• The phrase “it is impossible to restore them again to repentance” (Heb. 6:6) parallels first-century Jewish beliefs about final apostasy.• Hebrews 10:26-27 compares rejecting Christ’s sacrifice to “trampling the Son of God underfoot”—a phrase used in ancient legal contexts to mean complete dishonor.✅ Timeless Truths:• Salvation is a gift, but perseverance is key—true faith endures to the end.• The Christian life isn’t about coasting—it’s about holding fast and actively growing in faith.• Rejecting Christ after knowing the truth is dangerous—Hebrews warns that apostasy is real.• Grace isn’t a license to live however we want—faith requires obedience, trust, and endurance.Hebrews challenges us to take our faith seriously. It’s not about legalism, but about staying anchored to Jesus. Don’t drift, don’t shrink back—keep pressing forward. See you tomorrow for Day 64!🚀 START HERE!Want to join us on the journey? Check out the Start Page! You can start from Episode 001 on January 1st or jump in to follow along with us, your choice.📖 DOWNLOAD THE PLAN:Whether you’re new to the Bible or ready for a fresh start in 2025, this plan is for YOU. And the best part? The plan is FREE! Download it now and start your journey today.🤓 WANT MORE BIBLE NERD RESOURCES?Check out armacourses.com for biblical literacy resources, courses, and a community to grow with! Learn the Bible for yourself with 60+ courses and counting for only $13 / Month. Also, your first 30 days are on us. Join ARMA for FREE!🐉 PRE-ORDER DR.MANNY'S NEW BOOKCrushing Chaos is available now for preorder, shipping on May 6th. Learn more & buy now at https://crushingchaos.com.🍬 CHURCH CANDY MARKETINGGet NEW church guests, EVERY Sunday without you having to stress over ads, algorithms, or figuring out Facebook or Instagram. Head over to https://churchcandy.com/manny to book a discovery call today!👍 NEVER MISS AN EPISODE! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE:The Bible Dept. | YouTubeThe Bible Dept. | SpotifyThe Bible Dept. | Apple Podcasts📱 STAY CONNECTED:The Bible Dept. | InstagramThe Bible Dept. | FacebookDr. Manny Arango | InstagramARMA | Instagram📨 EMAIL US!Got questions or want to share your thoughts? Email us at [email protected].💥 MORE RESOURCES:Amazon Store | Shop The Bible Dept. EssentialsDr. Manny Arango’s Book | BrainwashedBook Dr. Manny to Speak🌱 WE’RE PLANTING A CHURCH!The Garden | Houston, TXThe Garden | InstagramThe Garden | FacebookAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands
  • Day 62: Hebrews 1-4
    The Book of Hebrews isn’t just a theological deep dive—it’s a bold challenge to hold onto faith. Written to Jewish Christians tempted to return to their old ways, Hebrews reminds us that Jesus is better—better than angels, better than Moses, better than the old covenant. And while the author remains a mystery, the message is clear: Don’t drift away. Stay anchored.✈️ Overview:• Hebrews is written in high-level Greek, leading many scholars to believe it wasn’t Paul but possibly Apollos—a gifted teacher from Alexandria (Acts 18:24-28).• The book’s audience? Jewish Christians facing persecution, tempted to return to Judaism for safety.• Its core argument: Jesus is greater—He’s the final mediator, the ultimate high priest, and the fulfillment of God’s promises.• The first section (Hebrews 1-4) focuses on why Jesus is greater than angels and Moses—two major figures in Jewish thought.🔎 Context Clues:• Why the focus on angels? Deuteronomy 33:2 suggests that angels mediated the giving of the Old Testament Law. Hebrews argues that Jesus, not angels, is the true mediator of God’s new covenant.• The Greek matters. The writing in Hebrews is far more refined than Paul’s usual letters—comparable to how Shakespeare’s English stands apart from casual speech.• Jewish Christians in Rome were struggling. Persecution under Nero made them reconsider their faith. Hebrews warns: Don’t turn back.• The Exodus parallel: Just as the Israelites doubted God in the wilderness, these believers were at risk of drifting away from their faith.🤓 Nerdy Nuggets:• Why is Jesus compared to Moses? Because Moses led God’s people to the Promised Land—but Jesus leads His people to a better rest (Hebrews 4:8-9).• The phrase “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts” (Hebrews 3:7) is a direct callback to Psalm 95, warning against rebellion.• Drifting is dangerous. Hebrews 2:1 warns believers to pay attention lest they drift away—because drifting is slow and subtle, not sudden.• The structure of Hebrews suggests it was originally a sermon, making it unique among New Testament books.✅ Timeless Truths:• Faith is active, not passive. If you’re not intentionally moving toward Jesus, you’re drifting away.• Jesus is the anchor. No other religious system, ideology, or tradition compares—He alone secures our faith (Hebrews 6:19).• Hold on. Persecution, doubts, or hardship may come, but Hebrews reminds us: “We do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved” (Hebrews 10:39).The message of Hebrews is urgent: Don’t let go. Whether you’re facing hardship, doubt, or distraction, Jesus is worth it. Let’s keep going together—see you tomorrow for Day 63: Hebrews 5-10!🚀 START HERE!Want to join us on the journey? Check out the Start Page! You can start from Episode 001 on January 1st or jump in to follow along with us, your choice.📖 DOWNLOAD THE PLAN:Whether you’re new to the Bible or ready for a fresh start in 2025, this plan is for YOU. And the best part? The plan is FREE! Download it now and start your journey today.🤓 WANT MORE BIBLE NERD RESOURCES?Check out armacourses.com for biblical literacy resources, courses, and a community to grow with! Learn the Bible for yourself with 60+ courses and counting for only $13 / Month. Also, your first 30 days are on us. Join ARMA for FREE!🐉 PRE-ORDER DR.MANNY'S NEW BOOKCrushing Chaos is available now for preorder, shipping on May 6th. Learn more & buy now at https://crushingchaos.com.🍬 CHURCH CANDY MARKETINGGet NEW church guests, EVERY Sunday without you having to stress over ads, algorithms, or figuring out Facebook or Instagram. Head over to https://churchcandy.com/manny to book a discovery call today!👍 NEVER MISS AN EPISODE! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE:The Bible Dept. | YouTubeThe Bible Dept. | SpotifyThe Bible Dept. | Apple Podcasts📱 STAY CONNECTED:The Bible Dept. | InstagramThe Bible Dept. | FacebookDr. Manny Arango | InstagramARMA | Instagram📨 EMAIL US!Got questions or want to share your thoughts? Email us at [email protected].💥 MORE RESOURCES:Amazon Store | Shop The Bible Dept. EssentialsDr. Manny Arango’s Book | BrainwashedBook Dr. Manny to Speak🌱 WE’RE PLANTING A CHURCH!The Garden | Houston, TXThe Garden | InstagramThe Garden | FacebookAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands
  • Day 61: Matthew 25-28
    Peter’s denial of Jesus wasn’t just a failure—it was a defining moment. In Matthew 25-28, we see two disciples—Peter and Judas—who both fall short, yet their stories end very differently. What made the difference? Could it be that Judas’ biggest mistake wasn’t betrayal but something else entirely? Let’s dig in.✈️ Overview:• Judas betrays Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, but was it a misunderstanding rather than a betrayal?• Peter denies Jesus three times, an action considered completely unforgivable in rabbinic discipleship.• Despite his failure, Peter finds redemption—but Judas doesn’t. The difference? How they responded to their mistakes.• Jesus’ crucifixion, death, and resurrection fulfill Old Testament prophecy and mark the ultimate victory over sin and death.🔎 Context Clues:• Judas may have been aligned with the Zealots, a militant group seeking to overthrow Rome. Many scholars believe he wasn’t trying to betray Jesus, but to force His hand to lead a rebellion.• In rabbinic Judaism, denying your rabbi publicly was a complete rejection of discipleship—far worse than what Judas did.• The 30 pieces of silver Judas received ties back to Old Testament prophecy (Zechariah 11:12-13), highlighting the depth of his actions.• The resurrection proves that Jesus was the true Messiah—not the political revolutionary some expected.🤓 Nerdy Nuggets:• The number 30 represents the price of a slave (Exodus 21:32). Judas essentially treated Jesus like a commodity.• Peter’s denial should have meant permanent separation from Jesus, yet Jesus restored him (John 21:15-17).• Jesus’ statement “Go tell my disciples and Peter” (Mark 16:7) shows intentional restoration, proving no failure is beyond redemption.• The disciples’ confusion about Jesus’ mission shows how deeply ingrained Messianic expectations were in the first century.✅ Timeless Truths:• Jesus is not a means to an end. Many (including Judas) wanted Him to fit their agenda, but Jesus refuses to be controlled.• Failure isn’t final. Peter’s worst moment wasn’t the end of his story—because he came back to Jesus.• The real betrayal? Giving up on grace. Judas’ biggest mistake wasn’t his betrayal—it was believing his failure was too big for Jesus to redeem.• No one is too far gone. If Jesus restored Peter, He can restore you.Peter’s story proves that your worst failure doesn’t have to be your ending. Don’t let shame keep you from coming back to Jesus!🚀 START HERE!Want to join us on the journey? Check out the Start Page! You can start from Episode 001 on January 1st or jump in to follow along with us, your choice.📖 DOWNLOAD THE PLAN:Whether you’re new to the Bible or ready for a fresh start in 2025, this plan is for YOU. And the best part? The plan is FREE! Download it now and start your journey today.🤓 WANT MORE BIBLE NERD RESOURCES?Check out armacourses.com for biblical literacy resources, courses, and a community to grow with! Learn the Bible for yourself with 60+ courses and counting for only $13 / Month. Also, your first 30 days are on us. Join ARMA for FREE!🐉 PRE-ORDER DR.MANNY'S NEW BOOKCrushing Chaos is available now for preorder, shipping on May 6th. Learn more & buy now at https://crushingchaos.com.🍬 CHURCH CANDY MARKETINGGet NEW church guests, EVERY Sunday without you having to stress over ads, algorithms, or figuring out Facebook or Instagram. Head over to https://churchcandy.com/manny to book a discovery call today!👍 NEVER MISS AN EPISODE! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE:The Bible Dept. | YouTubeThe Bible Dept. | SpotifyThe Bible Dept. | Apple Podcasts📱 STAY CONNECTED:The Bible Dept. | InstagramThe Bible Dept. | FacebookDr. Manny Arango | InstagramARMA | Instagram📨 EMAIL US!Got questions or want to share your thoughts? Email us at [email protected].💥 MORE RESOURCES:Amazon Store | Shop The Bible Dept. EssentialsDr. Manny Arango’s Book | BrainwashedBook Dr. Manny to Speak🌱 WE’RE PLANTING A CHURCH!The Garden | Houston, TXThe Garden | InstagramThe Garden | FacebookAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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About The Bible Dept.

Welcome to The Bible Dept., a 365-day Bible reading plan and podcast with Dr. Manny Arango designed to help you connect with Scripture in a fresh, meaningful way.Did you know that 94% of Christians have never read the entire Bible? We're here to change that! Each day, we guide you through 1–3 chapters of Scripture and dive deep into its meaning with engaging episodes that include:An Overview: Breaking down what’s happening in the text.Context Clues: Exploring historical and cultural insights.Nerdy Nuggets: Fascinating details you might not know.Timeless Truths: Practical takeaways to apply to your daily life.Whether you’re just starting out or looking for a fresh perspective, The Bible Dept. is here to make Scripture approachable, clear, and transformative. Read the Bible this year --- and ACTUALLY get it! Subscribe now and join us on the journey.📖 DOWNLOAD THE PLAN (https://thebibledept.com/plan)🚀 START HERE! (https://thebibledept.com/start-here)
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