Habitat University is a science-based podcast delivering the latest information on habitat management.
This podcast is part of a larger podcast network: Nat...
Safely operating a chainsaw, from the moment you start the engine to the moment you turn it off, is a critical piece of safe habitat management in many ecosystems. In our final episode of our 5-part Habitat Safety Miniseries, forestry educator and chainsaw expert Chris Evans from the University of Illinois takes Adam through every step of safe chainsaw maintenance, operation, and use. Give us some feedback or potential topics you would like to here by filling out our listener survey: https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5oteinFuEzFCDmm Resources mentioned in the show: You can learn more about the wildland fire chainsaw class (S212) Chris mentioned at this link: https://www.nwcg.gov/training/courses/s-212-wildland-fire-chainsaws-2012/administration Safety and Woods Workers training resources: http://sawwtraining.com/index.html Chainsaw safety video series from Husqvarna: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0VcazyXHqErUd8ib-OKs6sZkfGFQ5shu&si=LwGG9mEA1Un-3kSE Chainsaw safety tips from Penn State Extension: https://extension.psu.edu/chainsaw-safety-tips Chainsaw safety tips from Missouri Extension: https://extension.missouri.edu/publications/g1959
Habitat Safety – Part 4: Equipment Safety | #36
From large bulldozers to small ATVs, habitat management often necessitates the use of heavy machinery. And safely transporting and using that equipment ensures we protect the people and the land engaged in this critical work! In this episode, the fourth in our Habitat Safety Miniseries, Adam visits with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Heavy Equipment Manager for Region 3 in the upper Midwest, Clint DeMenge. Clint shares his knowledge from a career operating and training others to safely operate all kinds of heavy equipment to help habitat managers think about safely transporting and operating equipment! Give us some feedback or potential topics you would like to here by filling out our listener survey: https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5oteinFuEzFCDmm Resources mentioned in the show: Determine if you need a CDL and how to get one by searching your state DOT. Here’s the page from Iowa: https://iowadot.gov/mvd/cdl/How-to-get-a-CDL/Do-I-need-a-CDL Ritchie Brother’s equipment specs to learn your load size: https://www.ritchiespecs.com/ 811 Call Before You Dig: https://call811.com/811-In-Your-State Logging safety videos from Minnesota OSHA: https://www.dli.mn.gov/business/workplace-safety-and-health/mnosha-wsc-logging-safety-videos Clint mentioned “safety walk arounds” and suggested you Google it. Here’s one we found! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIZcC_NRoOE
Habitat Safety – Part 3: Herbicide Safety | #35
Herbicides can be a critical tool for habitat management, especially when it comes to invasive species. But their use does not come without risk to the applicator or the environment. In this episode, Adam visits with Dr. Fred Whitford, clinical engagement professor and director of the pesticide programs at Purdue University. Fred talks through the critical steps of making sure you’re using the right tool at the right time to confront the right challenge and then how to do it safely for you and the environment! Give us some feedback or potential topics you would like to here by filling out our listener survey: https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5oteinFuEzFCDmm Resources mentioned in the show: You can learn more about Integrated Pest Management from regional hubs indexed at this site: https://www.ipmcenters.org/ Basic PPE for Pesticide use article from Iowa State: https://store.extension.iastate.edu/product/Basic-PPE-for-Pesticide-Use Fred mentioned state certification manuals – Here’s resources from his unit at Purdue: https://ag.purdue.edu/department/extension/ppp/resources/training-manuals/ Search online for those in your states too. Learn more about the unit Fred works in here: https://ag.purdue.edu/department/extension/ppp
Habitat Safety – Part 2: Prescribed Fire Safety | #34
Prescribed fire is crucial for managing fire-adapted ecosystems worldwide. To ensure this tool remains effective, the safety of those who use it and those nearby is essential too. In this episode, Adam talks with Jennifer Fawcett from North Carolina State University. Jennifer is the Prescribed Fire Work Group Coordinator for the Southeast Regional Partnership for Planning and Sustainability (SERPPAS) and a forestry educator at NCSU. She assists landowners and foresters in the Southeast and beyond in managing their properties using fire. Listen along as Jennifer outlines practices and considerations to make sure you can keep using fire as the critical tool it is for years to come! Give us some feedback or potential topics you would like to here by filling out our listener survey: https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5oteinFuEzFCDmm Resources mentioned in the show: The National Wildfire Coordinating Group is the main resource for agency professionals doing prescribed fire. You can check out their website here: https://www.nwcg.gov/ · Watchout Situations: https://www.nwcg.gov/publications/pms118/18-watch-out-situations-pms-118 · Incident response pocket guide (IRPG) - https://www.nwcg.gov/publications/pms461 o You can buy one here: https://www.forestry-suppliers.com/p/49218/39770/incident-response-pocket-guide?%26itemnum= Asynchronous Online courses to learn about prescribed fire: · eFIRE Equipment Videos – The eFIRE site guides prospective burners through the process of planning, conducting, and evaluating prescribed fire. The Equipment site includes videos about options for various parts of PPE. · Online course: https://campus.extension.org/ (search “prescribed fire”) · Rx Fire Training online course: https://ifas-cesrxfire.catalog.instructure.com/courses/wildland-fire-training Learn more about prescribed burn associations here: https://go.ncsu.edu/pba Guidebook for Prescribed Burning in the Southern Region has tips for planning, implementing, and follow up on a prescribed burn that applies nationwide: https://extension.uga.edu/publications/detail.html?number=B1560&title=guidebook-for-prescribed-burning-in-the-southern-region Smoke Management Guidebook for Prescribed Burning in the Southern Region: https://bugwoodcloud.org/resource/files/18519.pdf Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Prescribed Burn Equipment Fact Sheet summarizes the different parts of prescribed burn equipment, including PPE: https://ucanr.edu/sites/forestry/files/283877.pdf 3-part blog post series on “Prescribed Fire PPE: Practical Options for Landowners” o Part 1: The first post in this series highlights practical personal protective equipment (PPE) pant and shirt options for landowners conducting prescribed fires. https://sites.cnr.ncsu.edu/southeast-fire-update/2019/09/09/ppe-for-landowners-practical-clothing-options/ o Part 2: This post discusses options for other PPE items including head coverings, face coverings, and eye protection. https://sites.cnr.ncsu.edu/southeast-fire-update/2021/06/11/ppe-for-landowners-practical-clothing-options-part-two/ o Part 3: This post addresses boots and shoes, gloves, and overall considerations for choosing PPE items.https://sites.cnr.ncsu.edu/southeast-fire-update/2021/06/29/prescribed-fire-ppe-practical-options-for-landowners-part-three/ Kestrel tool to take weather readings on site for a safe burn: https://www.forestry-suppliers.com/p/89574/38050/kestrel-3500fw-fire-weather-meter Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center: https://lessons.fs2c.usda.gov/ Nebraska Prescribed Fire Council has a bunch of resources on fire, including a nice practitioner-contributed section on “Lessons Learned” that are available on their website: https://www.nefirecouncil.org/
Habitat Safety – Part 1: Staying safe with Rich Gassman | #33
Nothing is more important in habitat management than the people doing habitat management! That’s why this month we’re focusing on the basics of habitat safety with a series of episodes featuring experts in the field. In this first episode, Adam and Jarred set the stage for the mini-series. Then Adam interviews Rich Gassman from Iowa's Center for Agricultural Safety and Health at the University of Iowa. Rich sets the stage for the series and challenges us to think about who we’re being safe for. Stay tuned for four more episodes in the mini-series coming this month. Resources mentioned in the show: Iowa's Center for Agricultural Safety and Health (I-CASH) Twelve centers for agriculture safety in the U.S. are linked at this website. Find the one nearest you to explore their resources and programs: https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/extramural-programs/php/about/ag-centers.html National Farm Safety and Health Week is led by the National Education Center for Agricultural Safety (NECAS) – Learn more about the 2024 week here: https://www.necasag.org/nationalfarmsafetyandhealthweek/ Give us some feedback or potential topics you would like to here by filling out our listener survey: https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5oteinFuEzFCDmm
Habitat University is a science-based podcast delivering the latest information on habitat management.
This podcast is part of a larger podcast network: Natural Resources University. Funding for this project comes from the Renewable Resources Extension Act.